Monday, June 11, 2007

Challenge # 4- Macro (Zoom IN)

This one was very fun. I don't usually use the Macro function on my camera, basically because I really don't see a difference in using and not. I think I'm weird. Well, here are my photos for this challenge.

This first photo has the shells that I found at the beach on Friday.

My next photos are right from my front yard! This is some plant in the front (don't ask, not a gardener) that looked real nice on Sunday so I started snapping. Just as I started.... I noticed that a bumble bee started to hoovering around the flowers I guess pollenating. So I started to see if I could get some good photos of him. Here's what I got.

I had a lot of fun with this one. I'm going to try to use that Macro setting more and see what developes!


Heather said...

Love your close ups Lynn! The macro setting can be different from camera to camera so your manual would be able to tell you what is different about that setting vs. the auto mode or other features.

Miranda said...

I like your pictures with the bee, thats pretty cool. I'd never be able to take a pic like that because I hate bees. Really hate them!

Vanessa said...

I do these photo challenges too, but it doesn't look like I will finish this challenge. you did a great job! I especially like the the bumble bee on the flower! Nice job! *Vanessa*